Products & Services
Dianthus is a forestry analysis company with cutting-edge expertise in geographic information analysis and remote sensing. We combine a vast forestry industry knowledge with more than 30 years of experience in providing clever and profitable solutions to our clients’ needs and questions. In our craft, we use tools such as system development, REST APIs, Computer Vision, AI, and Deep Learning. We love what we do and always put our clients’ needs first.


Forest Maps

Current news
Dianthus – a service for smooth planning between forestry and reindeer husbandry
Dianthus together with Sveaskog have developed a web-based service where forestry and reindeer husbandry can smoothly joint plan their activities. The service has been used for several years by Sveaskog and by several Sami villages. Nowadays, SCA also fully utilizes Samplanering in their consultations with the reindeer husbandry industry, and the Swedish National Property Board (SFV) is now joining the initiative as well.

The latest from us and our projects
What do our customers think?
E Johansson, Method Development/Rationalization, SCA Skog
Johan Ekenstedt, Technology Specialist Remote Sensing and Forest Data, Sveaskog
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